You know that meme about the permanently exhausted pigeon? Well hi, hello, that’s me right now!
Sidenote: every time I feel like this I wonder to myself how on earth people deal with having babies. Like, I have minimal responsibilities and no children to wake me up at all hours yet here I am, moaning about being tired. Parents, I salute you!
Life has been all kinds of exhausting lately. So, once again, blogging has been pushed down the list of priorities. I’d planned for this post to be the results of my latest reader survey but I’ve been doing some solid procrastination on that front.
I figured it was time to just write the damn post, sans survey results. I will get round to sharing those eventually, along with some new (exciting?) plans for the blog. But first, it’s time for a break.
I know, I know, my breaks are becoming more frequent than my posts these days and it sucks. Buuut putting pressure on myself to churn out content also sucks, and usually ends up in half-hearted rubbish anyway.
I know I don’t really need to justify this break, but I do need to rant. So, hey, here’s some annoying things in my life right now:
Last weekend we found out that our landlord wants to sell the flat we’ve lived in for the past 3.5 years. That means a fun-filled 2 months of flat-hunting, de-cluttering, packing, moving and all the endless admin associated with it!
The date we need to be moved out by also coincides nicely with my final exam. Isn’t life just serendipitous like that!? đ
So, I’m taking a couple of months away from the blog. If you fancy being helpful you can fill out my reader survey & I’ll share the results plus some new ideas once I’m back. I’m feeling pretty excited about things to come!
In the meantime, I’ll no doubt still be sharing snippets of life on twitter & instagram!
P.S I’m really gonna miss the stone wall in our current flat as a photo backdrop. #firstworldproblems
Amanda says
Good luck with flat hunting – it’s so stressful but hopefully it will be over with quickly! x
Kirsty says
Thanks Amanda – I’m sure it’ll all work out fine in the end! x